The Extra-ordinário capvara
Capvara presents a variety show with juggling, crowd interaction and storytelling leand from hid great Teacher, F rangovara. all venues.
Capvara presents a variety show with juggling, crowd interaction and storytelling leand from hid great Teacher, F rangovara. all venues.
Perfect for festivals and outdoor events, Capvarapresents his skills in juggling, crowd play and family fun! Full stage & sound set-up.
Who has´t had an intimate moment with toilet paper? An original show with physical comedy and Object manipulation.
my profile
my profile
I have been performing physical theater for over 13 years.
I have been performing physical theater for over 13 years.
Since 2011 I have focused on circus arts through clown and
Since 2011 I have focused on circus arts through clown and
juggling. I was an art educator in public schools in my
juggling. I was an art educator in public schools in my
hometown of Brazil for six years. In 2015 I won a prize for
hometown of Brazil for six years. In 2015 I won a prize for
directing the best children's theater performance.
directing the best children's theater performance.
I began on the stage in 2014 with the show "Treco's Cabaré".
I began on the stage in 2014 with the show "Treco's Cabaré".
In 2016 I launched a solo show "This is my Teacher", a piece that tells the story of how I learned my many circus techniques.
In 2016 I launched a solo show "This is my Teacher", a piece that tells the story of how I learned my many circus techniques.
I have presented workshops and performances at circus
I have presented workshops and performances at circus
conventions, residencies and theaters internationally.
conventions, residencies and theaters internationally.